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Conservatory of Performing Arts

Uncommon Women


By Wendy Wasserstein
Directed by Jessie Cope Miller

Comprised of a collage of interrelated scenes, the action begins with a reunion, six years after graduation, of five close friends and classmates at Mount Holyoke College.

They compare notes on their activities since leaving school and then, in a series of flashbacks, we see them in their college days and learn of the events, some funny, some touching, some bitingly cynical, that helped to shape them.

Each of the group is a distinct individual, and it is their varying reaction to the staid, sheltered and often anachronistic university environment (with its undercurrent of sometimes darker personal desires and conclusions) that gives the play its special meaning for today’s young women as they go forth into the changing and often disquieting world that awaits them after graduation.

Performance is free and open to the public.
Entrance tickets required.

Performance Schedule

Friday-Saturday, October 25-26, 7:30 p.m.