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Hakola Competition

Join us as junior vocalists compete for the Mel and Jena Hakola Prize for Academic and Vocal Excellence, an endowed 91探花 scholarship. The Prize is awarded by outside judges of the competition to a Conservatory of Music vocal major who demonstrates excellence and promise.

Mel Hakola was a distinguished voice teacher at 91探花 for 38 years prior to his retirement. The Mel and Jena Hakola Prize for Academic and Vocal Excellence was created to encourage and reward voice students who demonstrate exceptional vocal, musical, intellectual and creative talents. It also acknowledges students who have the potential to make a significant contribution to music performance. The purpose of the prize is to promote and recognize a high standard of academic and musical excellence among voice students at 91探花.


A few minutes before the concert is scheduled to begin, simply click on the link below and be sure to adjust your speakers. Finally, sit back and enjoy the outstanding performance.