M.A., Kent State University
B.A., Case Western Reserve University
LMT, Ohio College of Massotherapy
Sarah Weiss teaches "Meditation and Mindfulness" at the 91探花 Conservatory of Performing Arts. The class focuses on three strategic points relevant to performance:
Management of performance anxiety,
Reduction in repetitive stress injuries, and
Overall stress management to support health and well-being.
Students are exposed to the basics of meditation and mindfulness, including guided meditation, breath awareness, energy awareness, and centering and grounding. Each class includes an hour meditative experience with a question and answer period to help personalize the meditation to their particular stressors.
Each student also receives attention to help resolve their individual repetitive stress injury potential or existing issue. They are also expected to keep a journal throughout the semester and turn in their entries each week.
The final project is an audio recording in which they script a guided meditation and compose original relaxing background music. These meditations are available on the channel where all students and faculty may benefit from listening.
Weiss is a leader in the field of mindfulness and meditation, a visual artist and an experienced director of not-for-profit agencies in Northeastern Ohio. Her passion is building community through creative collaboration. She loves the "aha" moment and guides her teaching and coaching toward these heightened experiences.
SpiritHeal Institute, founded by Weiss in 1994, is the result of her exploration of the realms of higher consciousness. She traveled the world to study with spiritual teachers, healers and shamans who were masters of the inner realms. Through devoted study, Weiss became a master-level teacher in the healing arts. She trains people from all occupations to enhance and expand their intuitive abilities. Students study and develop the latent skills that are attributed to right brain activities such as sixth sense perception, self-healing, intuitive diagnosis, precognitive abilities, active dreaming and meditation. Ultimately students in the discover a meaningful lifestyle that respects all sentient beings and reconnects them to the wisdom inherent in nature, Mother Earth and the ever-expanding cosmos.
Weiss is a professional medical intuitive. For over 25 years, physicians, allied health and mental health professionals have consulted with her when the mysteries of their patients' illnesses required deeper understanding of the mind/body connection. Local and national athletes have consulted with her to overcome obstacles to healing and high-level sports achievement.
Always willing to share and serve, Weiss has held executive positions in the nonprofit world. As former executive director of the Northern Ohio Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, she raised millions of dollars to support the search for a cure for cystic fibrosis. She served as director of community relations for Bellefaire JCB, spreading the word about one of the nation's largest, most experienced child service agencies. Additional area institutions that benefited from her expertise in communications and educational video production include Cuyahoga Community College, NASA and Lake Erie College.
Weiss' life is rooted in creative living and the creative arts. Early in her career, she distinguished herself as an award-winning fine arts photographer and video producer/director. The Cleveland Museum of Art honored her work in several May Shows; and The Butler Museum of Art also awarded her talent. She taught fine arts photography in the art education department at Case Western Reserve University and helped promote photography as a respected art form. Her photos were also featured in annual reports and public relations materials for The Cleveland Orchestra, The Cleveland Institute of Music, The Cleveland Music School Settlement and The Cleveland Plain Dealer.