Ph.D., Middle Tennessee State University
M.A., Middle Tennessee State University
Dr. Christian Nsiah is a professor of the department of finance, analytics and economics in the 91探花 Carmel Boyer School of Business. Prior to 91探花, Nsiah was an associate professor of economics and finance at Black Hills State University, where he was also the coordinator of the economics and finance program for seven years.
Nsiah's specialty areas include international economics and finance and economic growth and development. He also engages in consulting work in economic impact analysis and international investments.
He is an avid researcher, and has published several articles and presented at many conferences, including an invited presentation at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.
Currently, Nsiah is working on analyzing nonlinear relationships in economic development, international trade, and corporate financial performance. Nsiah holds a doctorate in international economics from Middle Tennessee State University.
He currently serves as the secretary/treasurer for the African Finance and Economics Association. He also serves as an editor for Cogent Economics Journal and dissertation examiner for universities in Ghana, India, and South Africa.
Nsiah is also a three-time Olympian (1996, 2000, 2004). He sometimes serves as the head coach for the Ghana national track team (African Games, 2019; World Relays Championships, 2020; & World Championships, 2022).
Areas of Expertise
International finance & trade; international economics, economic development and growth of developing countries; regional economic development; financial modeling; and economic impact analysis.
Corporate and Organizational Finance (FNC-342)
International Financial Management (FNC-444I)
Intermediate Finance (FNC-446)
Financial Modeling (FNC-488)
Principles of Macroeconomics (ECN-202)
International Financial Management (FNC-650)
Managerial Economics (FNC-581)
Financial Management 1 (FNC-548)
Scholarly Activities
Most Recent Publications
With Chen Wu and Bichaka Fayissa), Research in Economics, October 19th, 2022.
With Herman Sahni and Bichaka Fayissa), Tourism Economics, 2022.
(With Herman Sahni and Bichaka Fayissa), Journal of African Development, 2021, Vol. 22(1), pp 7-37.
(With Herman Sahni and Bichaka Fayissa), Tourism Economics, 2021, Vol 27(5), pp 915-932.
(With Samuel Adams). Science of the Total Environment, 2019, Vol693, pp 133-288.
"The Long-Run Impact of Financial Development on Remittances: Evidence from Developing Countries." (With Bichaka Fayissa and Chen Wu), Review of Economics & Finance, 2019, Vol. 16, pp 31-46.
(With Bichaka Fayissa). Forthcoming African Development Review, 2019, Vol. 31(1), pp. 28-42.
(with Herman Sahani). International Business Research, 2018, Canadian Center of Science and Education, Vol. 11(6), pp 165-184.
Book Chapters
Nsiah, C., and Fayissa, B. (2014). . Publishing Group: AcTrade-UK. ISBN: 9780199687107. DOI:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199687107.013.045.
External Research Grants, Consulting, Contracts, and Awards
Economic and Fiscal Impacts of the Ohio State Film Production Tax Credit on Cuyahoga County, Prepared for The Greater Cleveland Film Commission and the Cuyahoga County Economic Development Commission, Fall 2021.
Research and Analysis (Economic and Finance) on Call Consulting with Cuyahoga County OH, March 2021 – Present, $50,800
"Measuring the Economic Impact of the Deadwood Gondola Project." Sponsored by Deadwood Resorts Inc. (October 2014), $12,000.
"The Economic Impact of the Sturgis Motor-Cycle Rally." Sponsored by Black Hills Vision (May 2012), $35,000.