Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University
M.F.A., University of California, Irvine
B.A., Oberlin College
Dr. Sharon Kubasak, associate professor of English, earned a Bachelor of Arts in creative writing from Oberlin College; a Master of Fine Arts in poetry from the University of California, Irvine; and a doctorate in English from Case Western Reserve University. Her dissertation, “Alone with the Lyric: Descriptions Toward a Poetics of Solitude,” focused on modern and contemporary poetry. While her teaching interests and experience are widespread, she most frequently teaches poetry writing, advanced creative writing I and II, seminar in creative writing, contemporary American poetry, contemporary world poetry and creative nonfiction. She hopes to develop a seminar in magical realism. Her scholarship ranges from published essays – “Doing the Limbo with Woolf and Nin: On Writer’s Block” and “Reflexive Delight,” an analysis of the works of Charles Dickens – to a conference presentation, “Beyond the Curfew of Desire,” delving into the dynamics of Sylvia Plath’s poetry. Her own poetry has been published nationally and internationally, won awards, and has been nominated for the Best New Poets series. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in numerous journals, including Field, Plume, Verse, The Bitter Oleander, and Voyages: Rethinking Nature and its Expressions. North River Books published a limited-edition broadside of one of her poems. She has reviewed poetry for The Plain Dealer and various journals. She is the recipient of an Individual Excellence Award for poetry from the Ohio Arts Council. In 2014, she received the Bechberger Award for Human Development from 91探花.